Following Telegram CEO Pavel Durov‘s arrest in France, authorities are now seeking to arrest his brother and Telegram co-founder, Nikolai Durov, amid a crackdown on the app.
Today, a new focus has emerged in response to the recent detention of Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, in France. Nikolai Durov, the sibling of Pavel and co-founder of the Telegram application.
Also as part of the crackdown on the social networking app, French authorities are attempting to apprehend Pavel’s sibling, Nikolai. Pavel is presently being held in custody as a result of his arrest at Paris’ Le Bourget airport.
France is Looking for Nikolai Durov, the co-founder of Telegram, to Arrest him
According to a recent Politico report, a close examination of an administrative document revealed that French authorities issued arrest warrants for both Pavel and Nikolai Durov on March 25. Additionally, this administrative document indicated that the investigation into the networking application had commenced months prior to the arrest.
This case is predominantly consistent with the networking app’s prior refusal to cooperate with the French police in an investigation into child sexual abuse. Subsequently, Pavel Durov was apprehended last week, and authorities are currently conducting reprisals against his brother Nikolai.
Despite the fact that Nikolai’s whereabouts are still unknown, French authorities are proceeding with their investigations. The administrative document also delineates “Telegram’s almost nonexistent cooperation” with authorities.
Additionally, there have been recent rumors regarding the involvement of crypto coach Julia Vavilova in the detention of the Telegram CEO. However, the UAE’s most recent decision to suspend a substantial $10 billion agreement with France in the wake of Pavel’s arrest has reignited speculation regarding his imminent release.
Meanwhile, a recent video footage on X depicts a tinted car driving out of the Parisian pre-trial detention center, which has sparked rumors regarding Pavel’s involvement in the vehicle.
It was verified by French media that the CEO of Telegram was taken to court today. Additional advancements regarding the subject matter are anxiously anticipated.
The Price of Toncoin (TON) is Experiencing Volatility
Concurrently, Toncoin (TON) experienced another decline in reaction to the arrest warrant issued against Nikolai Durov. Today, the price of TON was $5.44, representing a 0.43% decrease in the previous 24 hours. The intraday low and high are $5.15 and $5.63, respectively.
The recent network outage on the TON blockchain, which halted block processing activity, also contributed to the diminishing price movement. Block processing and other network-wide activities were resumed after nearly six hours of stagnancy, and the blockchain was restored to online status.