Before conducting the Vasil hard fork, IOHK wants to see at least 75% of new blocks come from improved nodes in addition to two additional “important signs”.

The blockchain business that runs the Cardano network, Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), has revealed the status of three crucial indications that will launch the mainnet update, claiming that the much-anticipated Vasil hard fork is “ever closer.”
On August 25, IOHK updated its 265,800 followers on the “rollout status” of the Vasil upgrade and provided information on the “three critical mass indicators” that will determine when the mainnet update will take place.
This involves having the top 10 mainnet Dapps update, roughly 25 exchanges upgraded (representing 80% of liquidity), and 75% of mainnet blocks produced by nodes running 1.35.3.
Stake Pool Operators (SPOs) using the most recent node 1.35.3 already account for 42% of mainnet block generation in the current epoch, which is now more than halfway to the 75% required, according to a statement from the blockchain startup on Thursday.
The largest exchange in the world, Binance, is said to have updated its Cardano nodes to the most recent version, according to IOHK. In order to increase the liquidity of its native coin, the company has been aiming to update the nodes of about 25 exchanges, which would account for about 80% of the entire liquidity.
Four out of ten DApp teams on Cardano have already stated they are actively testing against node 1.35.3 on the pre-production testnet. In terms of its mainnet decentralized apps (DApps), IOHK affirmed that they will continue to be in constant contact with several of the DApp teams on Cardano.
There are nine minor flaws that still need to be fixed, according to IOHK, but none of them will result in an unintended hard fork. No new bugs have been found, the company added.
The long-awaited Vasil improvement aims to minimize transaction costs, increase network activity, and reduce transaction size.
The Vasil upgrade has been delayed until engineers make sure the network transition goes without a hitch since IOHK’s May 19 roadmap called for a hard fork on June 29.
Co-founder of Cardano Charles Hoskinson recently addressed concerns about the upgrade’s hurried nature. He suggested delaying the launch for several months in order to retest the code that has already been tested and is functioning, but the DApp developers would not consider this beneficial considering the length of time they have already waited.