The Cardano protocol’s inventors announced a blockchain-based system for measuring students’ performance in local schools.
On this year’s list of most influential projects, the Project Management Institute (PMI), a Pennsylvania-based association for project and product management specialists, has honoured Atala Prism, Input Output’s identity management system.
The Cardano protocol’s creators announced a collaboration with Ethiopia’s Minister of Education to establish a blockchain-based system for tracking kids’ performance in local schools.
The project, which Input Output has dubbed “the biggest blockchain deployment” is set to debut in early 2022.
The goal of the agreement is to promote educational efficiency and enable social mobility for pupils living in impoverished rural regions.
In an interview with the PMI, Input Output’s director of African operations, John O’Connor, suggested that Atala Prism might be used to integrate learning management systems to help pupils with homework:
In the future, we may also integrate learning management systems, so students can use the system to figure out what homework they need to do—and do it on the tablet.
The 14th most influential project of the year was Atala Prism. The Bahamas’ Sand Dollar was placed fourth, making it the world’s first central bank digital money.