Google Cloud announced the addition of 11 of the most in-demand blockchains to BigQuery public datasets in preview.

This is the first addition since the release of Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, and Zcash by Google Cloud in 2019.
Avalanche, Aribtrum, Cronos, Ethereum (Görli), Fantom (Opera), Near, Optimism, Polkadot, Polygon Mainnet, Polygon Mumbai, and Tron were among the chains mentioned in the blog post announcement as being accessible using BigQuery, Google’s Platform as a Service that allows SQL querying.
According to Google Cloud, providing a more comprehensive list of chains will enable the web3 community to respond more effectively to queries without running nodes or keeping an indexer up to date.
The Bitcoin BigQuery dataset, which will get Satoshis (sats)/Ordinals on the open-source blockchain-ETL datasets, was one of the updates Google Cloud highlighted as part of this announcement. This will allow developers to query.
Some managed datasets will also provide additional feature capabilities, such as the Google Cloud-managed Ethereum dataset (, which will be added to the Ethereum community dataset (crypto_ethereum).
Customers will reportedly learn more about Ethereum thanks to the release. Despite low cryptocurrency values, Google Cloud is still proving to be a valuable partner, and the community as a whole is aware of its significance.